
Pūkeko 2 home learning

Creative learning from 13, 14 -5 -2020

More great learning from  7-5-20

Madhava and Ruby having a 'bubble day' at school.

Busy kids from 5,6-5-20

learning from the 4-5-20

Proud P2 learners! 30-4-2020

Some more great learning from the P2 crew! 29-4-2020 

Friday 24th April - Day 8

Check out Monty's gate of poppies and writing about ANZAC Day

Awesome poppies by Casey, Oscar and Guthrie - they look amazing!

Super cool drawings by Julia

Diba made a cute picture from stones and leaves that she found on her nature shape hunt today.

What shapes did Oscar and Maddie make today?

More great creative learning!  23-4-20

Here is Diba's story about a "Bunny on a Bike" - love it!

Lovely bracelet Sofia!

Nice wild thing activities, Casey!
Cool mask, Harjaap!
Great work, Ruby!
Lovely wild thing unicorn, Diba!
Cool mask, Maddie!
That looks cosy, Guthrie!
Is it really you under that mask, Declan?
Neat stick people, Monty!
Nice one, Alex!
Great stick family, Oscar!
Nice work, Harriet!
You've been busy, Olivia!
Lovely stick family, Lucy!
Jack hands-on in the kitchen, Yum!
Can you see Jack and his little brother in this video clip?

Beautiful work, Sofia!

Nice work, Guthrie, Maddie and Nityajit!

More great learning from Monday 20-04-20!

Here are some samples of great work from 22-4-2020.

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